May 24Liked by Connor Jennings

It’s really weird. Like people who are against intentionally inflicting immense pain on sentient animals (I.e. dog kicking) will go fishing.

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What's weirder still is people who are strongly opposed to *hunting* and yet go fishing - which is basically water hunting. Actually fishing may even be worse than traditional hunting, because in land hunting generally the animal dies quicker as a result of the shots - while in fishing the animal suffocates and suffers desperately for minutes and minutes on end. Imagine how it would feel to slowly die grasping for breath FOR MINUTES.

This is more than hypocrisy, it's moral schizophrenia.

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Jun 5Liked by Connor Jennings

Thanks Connor. I just had the pleasure of interviewing three psychologists who have done some work into why people boycott other animals but still eat fish. May be of interest - and their linked papers (on this and on the Cheese paradox) are great: https://sentientism.info/cheese-challenge-pescetarian-paradox-psychology-researchers-maja-cullen-devon-docherty-carol-jasper-sentientism-ep200

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Cheers Jamie! I enjoy your podcast, very jealous that you got to sit down and chat with Huemer

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Jun 5Liked by Connor Jennings

Oh cool - it's great to have you as a listener! Yep - Huemer was fascinating. He mentioned afterwards that we didn't even get on to his views on reincarnation... maybe we need a part 2 :)

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Would like to see that, even if my soul has listened to it and infinite number of times in the past and will listen to it an infinite number of times in the future

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I eat fish once a week because I think it’ll help ward off Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia which are among the things I’m scared of most in life. And I actually did start to have memory problems so this isn’t just theoretical though yes the memory issues could’ve had other causes. It’s sort of a most health per unit of suffering type calculation.

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May 25·edited May 25Author

From what I understand, the benefits on brain health from eating fish come from eating Omega 3, so you can also eat Walnuts and Algae supplements! I also drink Huel which is very convenient

Also, I don't know if you're doing it already, but I hear resistance training is good at preventing dementia as well. Plus you get to be buff 😎

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An affordable cultured fish product will make a big difference. It doesn’t even have to be pretty — make it rectangular and call it Omega Protein bar!

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