18 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs agoLiked by Connor Jennings

I worked a 40 hr/week job over the summer. This fall, I’m working a similar job 20 hr/week. I don’t have any hard numbers, but I feel like I’m getting work done within a similar number of days at my current job as I did over the summer. At first, this might seem wild - am I being twice as time-efficient as I was during the summer? But it makes a lot of sense given what you describe. My efficiency is the same for the most productive hours of the day as it was over the summer; I’ve just cut out the less productive hours.

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Sounds about right! I'm pushing for a 4 day work week at work. People are tentative, but I bet if we trial it we'll see the same thing happen. Same work, less bs time

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Or would the ideal be a 5 x 5 work week given the daily limits you describe?

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Yep, but I think it's a harder sell. Gotta take what you can get

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17 hrs agoLiked by Connor Jennings

4 x 4. Sold!

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21 hrs agoLiked by Connor Jennings

This is true, when I work my regular job a large portion of my time is not being used wisely. When I'm writing and drawing comics, I'm very efficient about how I use my time, and I use a stopwatch to make sure I get at least 4-5 hours of quality work a day. On days when I can stay home all day to work on my comics I hit my minimum number of hours fairly early, so if I want I can then do research or play games or whatever I need for a positive charge for the next drawing session.

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Yeah I never write for 8 hours. I do short, uber productive bursts

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21 hrs agoLiked by Connor Jennings

Once in awhile I go for 8 or 9 across the entire day, but I can't do 8 hours straight without a break. After 4 or 5 my arm cramps and my linework gets sloppy. I do my best if I stick to four and then move onto other activities for a bit, and then after everyone goes to bed if I'm not wrecked I can squeeze in more work. Or some Outlaws or Space Marine II, either way 🎮😎

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The xeno scum must be exterminated, brother

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Thoughts on Job Stacking? ;)

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No strong thoughts, but my surface level impression is if you can do your job effectively for both, then I don't see why it's anyone's business

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