Hilarious subtitle!

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Sep 11Liked by Connor Jennings

Nice article (talking about anti-natalism is so in). But I think anti-natalists would push back and argue that, contra what most people claim, life is much worse than we’re letting on.

I’m not exactly sure what to make of that.

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Clearly they're not out chugging brewskis and baggin' babes like the rest of us

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Sep 11Liked by Connor Jennings

Hey, synchronicity! I just wrote about antinatalism and touched on the wild animal suffering paradox--surely it'd be irresponsible to go extinct before we destroyed the planet, right? I'm gonna have to edit it to link to this article. https://outlandishclaims.substack.com/i/148106410/babies-arent-an-exception-either .

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Wild idea - if an ethical view commits you to nuking everything to death, something has gone wrong

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Sep 11Liked by Connor Jennings

I really think it is the opposite: if an ethical view commits you to perpetuating a net suffering state (with the added risk of even greater suffering arising) *then* something has gone wrong! Painless, instant annihilation of all sentient life would actually be an extremely great thing. (I can see why this may sound crazy, btw)

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